8 - 5
8 – Star Wars – Jedi Power Battles
7 – Need For Speed – Porsche Unleashed
6 – Splinter Cell – Pandora´s Tomorrow
5 – Mario Kart – Super Circuit
8 – Star Wars – Jedi Power Battles
7 – Need For Speed – Porsche Unleashed
6 – Splinter Cell – Pandora´s Tomorrow
5 – Mario Kart – Super Circuit
Aviso Importante
No Brasil, de acordo com a Lei de Programa de Computador nº 9.609/98, que diz respeito à proteção de direitos autorais, a única forma de uma ROM ser legal é quando a pessoa possui o jogo (comprado legalmente) e utiliza a ROM no computador como Backup do jogo original.
In some countries, it is legal for an individual to personally make backup copies of a game they own. Individuals may make backup copies for various reasons, perhaps as insurance against losing the game or as redundancy in the event that the original game's medium becomes unreadable.
However, in the U.S. it has been illegal since 1983 for a user to create their own backups of video game ROMs onto other cartridges.
However, in the U.S. it has been illegal since 1983 for a user to create their own backups of video game ROMs onto other cartridges.
RomsParaGBA - EmulaBR
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